Course Content
The Main Lesson starts with an introduction to chemistry, the history of organic chemistry, and its importance for the study of living organisms.
Organic chemistry is the study of the kinds of chemicals that make up the substance of living things -carbon compounds like sugars, starch, proteins and oils.
It looks at the way plants manufacture sugar using sunlight, water and air. It takes in the chemistry of food and cooking, and concludes with modern uses of petrochemicals and sustainable alternatives.
Pupils follow the transformation of solar energy into organic matter and the several different paths this organic matter can take, including biomolecules such as sugars, proteins, and lipids.
The Class familiarise themselves with nomenclature commonly used in chemistry and biology.
They complement the theory they are learning with daily experiments, looking into structure, properties, and reactions of a variety of organic compounds.
After studying living organisms, they focus on decaying organic matter, fossil fuels, and polymerization of plastics.
The block ends with an overview of energy sources including fossil fuels and renewable energy.
Mrs Ximena Rohde
Indicitive description. Main Lessons are delivered autonomously by the teacher, who is given the flexibility to respond to the cohort of pupils in front of them in a particular year.